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Tyler Kiel


A Certified Personal Trainer Using Personal Experience to Help Clients

Tyler Kiel is a certified personal trainer in Indianapolis who completed a 100 pound weight loss journey of his own.

As he finished his college football career four years ago, he found himself overweight and knew that he needed to make a change in his life. As he grew more involved in fitness through his journey, Tyler realized that helping other people through their fitness journeys was his calling. He didn’t want to just see people and the physical change but wanted to help people with their confidence.

Since becoming a trainer he has worked with a wide range of clients with his main focus being weight loss individuals. Tyler spends two evenings a week at St. Francis Hospitals working with medical weight loss patients and bariatric patients. Helping these individuals understand the importance of fitness and proper exercise techniques.

Other Individuals Tyler Has Worked With:

  • Athletes
  • Brides to be
  • Expecting mothers
  • Business owners
  • Young professionals
  • Children
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Comit to Fit

Don’t let your body beat your mind.

Tyler’s training philosophy at Indy Performance Authority is all about pushing you to your fullest potential. He is focused on making sure you do not let your mind hold your body back.

It is this intense focus and professionalism that helps Tyler’s clients. He makes sure that if the clients is putting in the work they will continue to progress.

For Tyler Kiel, the IPA mantra, “Commit to Fit”, is more than just a catchphrase or slogan, it is a way of life that he and his clients live daily.

The one-on-one personal training environment at Indy Performance Authority helps Tyler’s clients achieve their goals. He develops completely customized, individual fitness programs for each client based on their short term and long terms goals. Every workout and measurement is tracked and available via Evernote.

Why does Tyler love being a personal trainer?

Tyler gets his energy from watching his clients achieve goals and get to places that they often times didn’t believe they could reach. Watching his clients excitement as they succeed in their journeys is what he loves coming to work every day…but he will be the first to admit that it doesn’t even really feel like work most of the time. It is just his passion.

Keep in touch with Tyler daily with social media:

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Why do clients choose Tyler?

For Tyler, training is so much more than a job. He is personally invested in and committed to everyone who walks through the door.

If you have a crazy schedule he always works to accommodate you, ensuring that you are always getting the work in.

Do you need extra workouts or information during times when you are not at training? Don’t worry, Tyler has you covered.

This isn’t just lip service. Just listen to what his client Nicole Halper has to say about why she chose Tyler and continues to train with him.

“Minutes after I met Tyler during my evaluation workout I new we would make a great team. He was instantly able to assess not only my fitness levels but also my internal and external motivators. He knows when to push me, when to make me take a break and how to help me overcome the internal roadblocks I create for myself. When I reach a milestone in my journey, big or small, Tyler is always there to celebrate that with me. I would recommend him to anyone who is truly committed to changing their lives for the better.” -Nicole Halper

“I began training with Tyler in April of 2015 when I started I was a complete novice. In the past year I have been able to build up my strength, endurance and self confidence. This past May I walked the Mini Marathon, I would have never been able to do this before training with Tyler. If you are serious about wanting to achieve a goal of weight loss. I would HIGHLY recommend Tyler. He is always on time and prepared to give me his best effort as my trainer. There are certainly days that I do not want to work hard. On these days Tyler encourages me to give what I have and helps push me to the next level. In all if you are on the edge fence of starting a fitness program give Tyler a try.”

Jennifer G.

“First things first…. I have never worked out with a trainer and was frankly afraid to even try. No way would my overweight, out of shape, middle aged body be able to keep up!! I hadn’t done much besides yoga since I dislocated my elbow a few years ago and not a heck of a lot in general over the last 10+ years to be honest. My husband convinced me to give it a try and we met with Tyler the last week of July 2016 for an assessment. I was still worried I would not be able to do the workouts but Tyler is a positive person and assured me I could do it.

We started working out at IPA on August 2nd (two days a week) and I started noticing a difference in my energy levels and abilities within the first few weeks. I started taking the stairs to meetings, walking at lunch, and riding my bike on the weekends. I did my first bike commute to work (10.5 miles one way) 6 weeks after I started working out. I have recently added mountain biking to my weekend activities. Something I was previously afraid to do because I am a bit of a klutz and my sense of balance was out of whack. I noticed working out at IPA is helping with that also. We recently added a third workout with Tyler to our week. We are always doing something different during the workouts so it is never boring. Both my husband and I are seeing positive results.

Do I have bad days? YES, who doesn’t? I go in to IPA and do my best anyway (regardless of what it might look like). Tyler has a great sense of humor and is good natured about my griping and groaning on my bad days. With his help I expect to reach my goal weight and increase my stamina and muscle power so my hubby and I can do bicycle touring. I also plan to get my core strong enough to try stand up paddle boarding next time we go to Hawaii. Another activity I thought was out of my reach. I no longer think anything is out of my of reach if I try hard enough. Thanks Tyler and Indy Performance Authority!”

Krista Greemos